Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cheese Is Good

I love cheese in a way that is not normal.
Let's just say that if you and a pound of fresh, soft mozzarella were going into the ring for a few rounds, or if it cut you off on the highway, or the mozarella took your seat on the subway...I would side with the cheese.
We have a passionate, intense and fiercely loyal relationship.

I'm not picky or snobbish about it, either. All cheese is equally lovable. Not many will admit it, but a Kraft single is very comforting after a bad day at the office.

My boyfriend, (who will be referred to as AnonyMouse), was the first person to acknowledge this relationship. One Saturday night a few summers ago, we ended up at a great place near us called The Bar at Etats Unis. We ordered a bottle of white, and perused the menu. AnonyMouse looked up at me and simply said: "The cheese plate sounds good." This sentence changed our lives.

We learned that night, in that wonderful little restaurant why wine is paired with food. I can't tell you the names of the cheeses or even what the wine was, but we still speak of that meal in hushed tones and with reverence.

As the great Armenian proverb goes:
Bread and cheese, eat and dance
Do it.

My Three Favorite Cheeses Paired With Three Great Dance Songs

Gruyere and Ray Of Light
Fresh Mozzarella and You Dropped a Bomb on Me
Chevre and Scarlet Begonias

1 comment:

  1. I just read the article to your mother. She is bubbling over with joy & is breaking out in cheese balls. We always said that you would age beautifully like a fine cheese! May the cheese be with you.
    Love you-Mom & Dad
